As businesses become more dependent on technology, the risk for cyberattacks increase. Cyberattacks pose financial and reputational risks to the business. The cost of data breaches worldwide for businesses of all sizes could cumulatively grow to $5 trillion by 2024....
We all know there are plenty of driving hazards to worry about during the day – from rain and snow to deer and potholes. But driving at night adds a completely new set of challenges. Why? It all comes down to one word: visibility. During a clear day, you might be able...
February is the month dedicated to celebrating LOVE for those special people in your life – Mom/Dad, Husband/Wife/Partner, Son/Daughter, and even us, Your Insurance Agent!! Yes, that’s right, Insurance Agent. Our clients express their love for us not only in...
To help make it easier to do business with us, MAPFRE is converting to a new policy processing platform. As a result, upon renewal, you will receive a new policy number in your renewal package. Additionally, documents and invoices will have a new look and feel and the...
Did you know that Americans produce more trash during the holidays than any other time of year? 25% more, to be exact. Between the wrapping paper, disposable plates and silverware, Christmas trees and cards, cardboard boxes and plastic shopping bags – it’s hard...